Hairstylist Careers Birmingham
If you want the freedom to express your talent, a flexible schedule, and the opportunity to cater specifically to women with natural hair, then this hairstylist job may be for you! The right hairstylist for our team will be hard-working, loyal, and enthusiastic about learning and using natural hair care methods to help women master their natural hair. If you have any questions about the position or would like to learn more, get in touch. If you’re ready to apply, simply fill out the form below.
Swoope Hair Mission
Our mission is to supply women in Birmingham with the absolute best services, products, and atmosphere. If you enjoy helping women fall in love with their natural hair and helping them achieve noticeably health, natural hair, then this is the job for you. Along with providing a range of natural hair salon services, we also educate our clients with tips and recommendations for maintaining the health of their hair at home.