Naturally curly hair can easily become tangled, knotted, or matted, and regular detangling is a key part of hair care. Not only does it help make styling your hair easier, but it also helps prevent breakage and support hair growth.
Learning how to properly detangle natural hair will keep your hair looking great and feeling healthy. If you stop into Swoope Hair natural hair salon in Birmingham, I’d be more than happy to talk with you about methods for detangling your hair. In today’s blog post, though, we’ll be sharing some general detangling tips that anyone can incorporate into their hair care routine!
Wet Hair & Apply Conditioner
Wet your hair thoroughly and apply conditioner. The water and conditioner will make your hair more slippery, making it easier to detangle than dry hair. Just be very gentle, as wet hair is more prone to breakage.
Detangle In Sections
This a general tip, but you should make detangling a routine for before and after shampooing your hair. Shampoo tends to make your hairs stick together and get knotted, so do your best to have as few tangles as possible before and then to re-separate afterward. As with all natural hair, hydration is vital to healthy hair, so be sure to always use a conditioner.
Use Your Fingers First
Start the detangling process with your fingers instead of a comb or brush. Detangling with your hands is gentle and you can work out the bigger knots without pulling out too much hair. Instead of using your hand as a comb, ease each tangle apart. Gently pull them outward and try not to pull down. You can use oil while finger detangling, and a little avocado, grapeseed, or jojoba oil can help give your hair a little extra slip that will make getting the tangles out easier.
Wide-Tooth Comb
After you’ve gotten out as many of the knots as possible with your hands, pull out a wide-tooth comb and start working it through your hair. Start at the bottom of your hair and use one hand to comb and the other to hold the section of hair so that you’re not pulling at the roots. Once you get all the way up to the roots, comb through the section once or twice and then move onto the next one.
Make sure you clean your detangling tools after you use them. It’s not only hygienic, but it also helps keep the tangles at bay. Don’t just pull out the hair, wash the tool thoroughly to get rid of any product, dirt, or another residue that was in your hair.
Detangle Before & After Shampooing
This a general tip, but you should make detangling a routine for before and after shampooing your hair. Shampoo tends to make your hairs stick together and get knotted, so do your best to have as few tangles as possible before and then to re-separate afterward. With all natural hair, hydration is vital to healthy hair, so be sure to always use a conditioner.
Give Yourself Time
Detangling can take a while, so make sure that you’ve set aside enough time to do so without being rushed. The last thing you want is to be combing roughly through your hair right before running to work. While it’s important to take your time, don’t get caught up in the idea that your hair has to be totally tangle-free. When you wear your hair naturally, you’re going to end up with tangles. It’s just part of having beautiful natural hair! If your tangles aren’t preventing you from styling your hair, just leave them be.
Be Gentle!
Tangled and knotted hair is frustrating, but rough detangling will only lead to pain, breakage, and damage. Be gentle and kind to your hair, it’s awesome and gorgeous and you should treat it that way!
Swoope Hair Natural Hair Salon
Our Birmingham hair salon specializes in helping women enjoy incredibly healthy, natural hair. We use high-quality products and innovative techniques to create stunning, personalized results for every single client. Whether you choose to relax your hair, let your curls bounce, rock braids, or more, we can help you discover the style you’ve been dreaming of! Check out our hairstyles page and book with Brittany Swoope and Swoope Hair today!